productivity = ability * perseverance * freedom
ability = intelligence * wisdom
perseverance = desire * perceived reward
intelligence = pattern matching * knowledge
wisdom = age * flexibility * memory
productivity = pattern matching * knowledge * age * flexibility * memory * desire * perceived reward * freedom
Feel free to email me (see the link to send me mail in the menu bar on the left) if you have improvements to these equations that you'd like to suggest.
ability = intelligence * wisdom
perseverance = desire * perceived reward
intelligence = pattern matching * knowledge
wisdom = age * flexibility * memory
productivity = pattern matching * knowledge * age * flexibility * memory * desire * perceived reward * freedom
Feel free to email me (see the link to send me mail in the menu bar on the left) if you have improvements to these equations that you'd like to suggest.
Version 4.1 last modified by Geoff Fortytwo on 14/05/2008 at 01:17
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