::Geoff Fortytwo:: 1
Employment as a Java software engineer somewhere in the Bay Area here in California.
IGN Entertainment - Software Development [Nov 1999-present?
Software Engineer
- There were a number of high profile projects I worked on at IGN. The mypages framework (the my.ign.com site) is used for registration and lots of activities that are related to registered users. Users.ign.com is a site that allows you to keep track of your game library, wishlist, and personal public profile. I'm very proud of what I have done. Another site, arena.ign.com, is a simple game that is tied into our boards.
An overview of the mypages framework is available at: http://g42.org/programming/mypages_overview.html
Intel - Software Development [Jun 1998-Oct 1999?
Software Engineer
- I was part of the Analysis and Control Tools group. I mostly developed various CGI apps using C++, but I also wrote a non-validating XML parser in C++. Examples: I wrote a CGI app which generates a collapsible menu from an XML config file. Another CGI app I wrote allowed the user to select zones on a wafer and save that information to the DB.
SGI/Cray Research - HOODS development team [Jun 1997-Aug 1997?
Software Engineer (intern)
- Most of my time was spent developing various CGI apps using C++.
Winona State University - Software Testing Lab [Dec 1995-May 1997?
- WSU is under contract to conduct system development testing of hardware and software for IBM-Rochester.
Software Tester
- Tested IBM Client Access/400 software for Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 3.1, OS/2 and DOS.
Hardware Tracker
- Responsible for tracking hardware into and out of the lab and keeping track of the location and condition of hardware within the lab.<BR>
- Created a hardware tracking system using Visual Basic and Microsoft Access.
Winona State University - Computer Science Department [Jun 1994-Feb 1996?
Teaching Lab Assistant
- Installed and configured personal computers with DOS + Windows 3.1, OS/2, Linux and NetBSD operating systems.
- Aided teachers and students by trouble shooting hardware and software problems.
- Assisted students who were having trouble completing their programming assignments.
Winona State University; Winona, Minnesota [1994-1998? (Cumulative GPA 3.6)
B.S. Degrees __: Computer Science (GPA 3.8) and Physics (GPA 3.5)
Minors __: Mathematics and Philosophy
!!Programming Languages
*Java :I have been programming almost exclusively in Java since 1999. I have extensive experience writing JSPs and servlets. I use primarily use Struts and Hibernate, but I've used Torque in the past.
*C++ :professional work since June 1998 up until Oct 1999 (plus a 3 month internship in 1997), non-professional since early 1990 (8 non-professional, non-school months where I coded for more than 50 hours a week)
*SQL : plenty (mostly using Oracle)</font>
*PL/SQL : I've used this when necessary in Oracle.
*Perl : I have done some</font> basic Perl scripting. Nothing extensive.
*Prolog : 3 month course at WSU, I don't recall much now, but I enjoyed working with it at the time.
*Visual Basic : 3 intense months developing a hardware tracking system in Visual Basic for the testing lab in college. I haven't done much with it since then.
*XML : I wrote a non-validating XML parser in C++ for XML 1.0 and used it for some projects I worked on at Intel.
*HTML : I've done plenty of developer work using HTML, but I'm not a design person.
*JavaScript : I've used javascript a lot, but I try to avoid it whenever possible. It just isn't easily maintainable.
*Modula 2 : 3 courses during my first year at WSU. I don't remember much now though.
*PDP-11 Assembler : 3 month course at WSU. I haven't done anything with any form of assembler since then, but I enjoyed working with it at the time.
!!Operating Systems
I use the following on a regular basis:
Windows 2000 Server
I have in the past used these extensively, but have not used them in a while:
Linux (I set up Linux systems for several years.);
Windows 3.1,95,98,NT4; DOS 2.0-6.0, OS/2 1.3-3.0; BeOS 4-4.5
I have a small amount of experience with the following:
OS/400; VMS; MacOS; NetBSD; FreeBSD; Irix
!!My Current Working Environment
Windows 2000 Server
Visual SlickEdit 7 (programming editor) and Sun ONE (used for debugging)
Golden32 (SQL tool for Oracle DB)
GoldenView 1.9 (Oracle schema viewer)
JRun 3 (Java application server)
Visual SourceSafe (source control)
Cygwin (unix-like command line for Windows)
Eudora (email)
Version 4.1 last modified by Geoff Fortytwo on 14/05/2008 at 01:20
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