designing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
building the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
putting on costume at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween for Trick or Treaters

I tried both human-like eyes and cat-like eyes. Above are the human-like eyes.

These are the cat-like eyes.

I tried to model what I would look like while riding this costume from the front and the side. I have an existing model of myself and I resized the picture of the wolf over the top of it until it looked proportionate. That's how I determined the size of all parts of the costume. The model of myself that you see above shows my arms both bent at the elbows and hanging straight down. Previous costumes involved big heads which came down to my elbows, so that needed to be shown. That wasn't as important in this costume, but it still mattered since I had to carry the costume. My hands would usually be straight down when moving so that I could lift it, so the length needed to be just right.

Above you see how I modeled the fake legs vs the real legs. It was crucial to get everything to line up so that my real legs were centered so that my hips would appear where I would be riding. But the riding legs needed to be identical to the length of my real legs while looking comfortable in the way that they were pulled up alongside the wolf. I recall that I had to reside the length of the wolf a bit to make all of that work out properly. designing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
building the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
putting on costume at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween for Trick or Treaters
building the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
putting on costume at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween for Trick or Treaters

I tried both human-like eyes and cat-like eyes. Above are the human-like eyes.

These are the cat-like eyes.

I tried to model what I would look like while riding this costume from the front and the side. I have an existing model of myself and I resized the picture of the wolf over the top of it until it looked proportionate. That's how I determined the size of all parts of the costume. The model of myself that you see above shows my arms both bent at the elbows and hanging straight down. Previous costumes involved big heads which came down to my elbows, so that needed to be shown. That wasn't as important in this costume, but it still mattered since I had to carry the costume. My hands would usually be straight down when moving so that I could lift it, so the length needed to be just right.

Above you see how I modeled the fake legs vs the real legs. It was crucial to get everything to line up so that my real legs were centered so that my hips would appear where I would be riding. But the riding legs needed to be identical to the length of my real legs while looking comfortable in the way that they were pulled up alongside the wolf. I recall that I had to reside the length of the wolf a bit to make all of that work out properly. designing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
building the Jon Snow & Ghost costume
putting on costume at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween at iPass
wearing the Jon Snow & Ghost costume on Halloween for Trick or Treaters
Version 13.1 last modified by Geoff Fortytwo on 05/03/2017 at 19:05
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