Happy Halloween 2009! I started work this year at iPass. Their mascot is a gnome, so I chose it as my costume this year. I'm very happy with the results! It's the most human-like yet. I've come a long way since my Pac-Man costume.
designing the gnome costume
building the gnome costume
wearing the gnome costume at iPass
wearing the gnome costume around town
designing the gnome costume
building the gnome costume
wearing the gnome costume at iPass
wearing the gnome costume around town
building the gnome costume
wearing the gnome costume at iPass
wearing the gnome costume around town

building the gnome costume
wearing the gnome costume at iPass
wearing the gnome costume around town
Version 9.1 last modified by Geoff Fortytwo on 11/07/2010 at 16:09
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