Q*Bert costume plans
Q*Bert costume construction pictures
Q*Bert costume Halloween 2006 pictures
You can find out more about my Q*Bert costume at Q*Bert costume.

Here I am wearing the costume for the first time outside my garage!

Q*Bert makes a circuit of the floor. Every year at about 11am on Halloween I put on my costume and make a circuit of all the floors of IGN. Actually, I missed a floor this year because I didn't know that we had also taken over the 3rd floor sometime in the last year. Oh well. They all saw it at the contest.

Q*Bert is a pudgy fellow isn't he.

Everyone enjoys Q*Bert!

Phew! It gets hot in there!

I'm super sweaty and proud of it! I'm told that this is not a good look for me, but I don't know. The matted hair indicates effort and the orange legs are pretty darn sexy. I'm sure that Big Bird from Sesame Street would be all over me!

Just taking a break before I head up to the 4th floor.

Q*Bert leaving the engineering area.

Watch out! Wide orange load coming through!

When those elevator doors open, you never know what's going to come trotting out.

The IGN Halloween party is about to start, so I'm going back in.

Almost in.

Here is some of the competition.

Here's some more of the competition.

Q*Bert tries to blend into the crowd.

This is me winning the Best Character contest. I was hopping here and this picture was taken just as the nose was horizontal, so you can see all the way up it. The shiny bit in the nose is a clilp that holds the interior of the nose in to make the nose more puffy in front.

Here I am winning the award for scariest costume. *smile* Not really, but I do look pretty scary here after I've just exited the costume again just after winning the prize.
For more Q*Bert costume fun, you can check out the videos and sounds on the Q*Bert costume page.
Q*Bert costume plans
Q*Bert costume construction pictures
Q*Bert costume Halloween 2006 pictures
Q*Bert costume construction pictures
Q*Bert costume Halloween 2006 pictures
You can find out more about my Q*Bert costume at Q*Bert costume.

Here I am wearing the costume for the first time outside my garage!

Q*Bert makes a circuit of the floor. Every year at about 11am on Halloween I put on my costume and make a circuit of all the floors of IGN. Actually, I missed a floor this year because I didn't know that we had also taken over the 3rd floor sometime in the last year. Oh well. They all saw it at the contest.

Q*Bert is a pudgy fellow isn't he.

Everyone enjoys Q*Bert!

Phew! It gets hot in there!

I'm super sweaty and proud of it! I'm told that this is not a good look for me, but I don't know. The matted hair indicates effort and the orange legs are pretty darn sexy. I'm sure that Big Bird from Sesame Street would be all over me!

Just taking a break before I head up to the 4th floor.

Q*Bert leaving the engineering area.

Watch out! Wide orange load coming through!

When those elevator doors open, you never know what's going to come trotting out.

The IGN Halloween party is about to start, so I'm going back in.

Almost in.

Here is some of the competition.

Here's some more of the competition.

Q*Bert tries to blend into the crowd.

This is me winning the Best Character contest. I was hopping here and this picture was taken just as the nose was horizontal, so you can see all the way up it. The shiny bit in the nose is a clilp that holds the interior of the nose in to make the nose more puffy in front.

Here I am winning the award for scariest costume. *smile* Not really, but I do look pretty scary here after I've just exited the costume again just after winning the prize.
For more Q*Bert costume fun, you can check out the videos and sounds on the Q*Bert costume page.
Q*Bert costume plans
Q*Bert costume construction pictures
Q*Bert costume Halloween 2006 pictures
Version 7.1 last modified by Geoff Fortytwo on 25/10/2015 at 20:33
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